Event 5: Bartolome Medina – 10th Place ($458)

$130 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
Level 24: 20,000/40,000/5,000 Ante

Bartolome Medina - 10th place)
Bartolome Medina – 10th place)

Bartolome Medina moves all in for less than 200,000 with Ac5c, and Phyliss Jefferson calls with a chance at the knockout, holding the superior AhJd.

The board runs out 6c6s2s8cKd, and Jefferson wins the pot with her ace-jack kickers. Medina is eliminated in tenth place.

Phyliss Jefferson – 425,000 (11 bb)
Bartolome Medina – Eliminated in 10th Place ($458)