Coco Poker Open Championship
Level 23: 10,000/20,000/2,000 Ante
Players Remaining: 10 of 331
Paul Balzano moved all-in for approximately 200,000 and Marsha Wolak quickly shoved next to act. The rest of the table moved out of the way and Wolak was ahead with against .
Balzano had a shot but Wolak quickly shut the door on the flop. Only running miracle cards could help Balzano but the turn had him drawing dead to the river.
Tournament staff counted down the stacks and Wolak had Balzano covered 235,000 to 213,000. Balzano hit the payout desk in 11th place and they are redrawing the last ten players for the final table.
Marsha Wolak – 458,000 (23 bb)
Paul Balzano – Eliminated in 11th place ($12,000)