Championship: 37th Through 45th Places ($5,000)

$2,500 No Limit Hold’em Championship Event
Blinds: 3K/6k/1K ante

We’re down to four tables for a total of 36 players. Play will conclude for the day when there are 27 remaining meaning we need to lose nine more before that happens. Here are the payouts for 37th through 45th places:

37thJarod Ludemann$5,000.00
38thDaniel Suied$5,000.00
39thTom Thomas$5,000.00
40thJustin Zaki$5,000.00
41stNissin Vaknin$5,000.00
42ndTony Ruberto Jr.$5,000.00
43rdGlen Cressman$5,000.00
44thFrank Lerczak$5,000.00
45thMohamed Maghraoui$5,000.00