$250 Seniors 50+ No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$10,000 Guaranteed | Structure | Payouts
Level 17: 3,000/6,000 with a 6,000 ante
Players Remaining: 10 of 123

With the board reading , Evan Teitelbaum moved all in from early position and Rob Cohen took a few minutes to think it out, he would be the one at risk for his last 93,000. Cohen called and we saw the hands.
Cohen was ahead with two pair queens and three and needed to dodge 11 outs to double. Teitelbaum needed a heart or an ace and it was the on the river that gave him the bigger two pair.
Cohen sat for a second and looked at the board before gathering his things to get his payout.
Evan Teitelbaum – 475,000 (79 bb)
Rob Cohen – Eliminated in 11th Place ($643)