Pavilion Pocket Guide

$350 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em

Blinds 100/200
118 Entries

Pavilion Entrance
Pavilion Entrance

As we start a new week at the Lucky Hearts Poker Open, we’ve got a new location for the tournament action.

While the Stax Poker Lounge is still your home for all the Seminole Casino Coconut Creek cash games, the spacious Pavilion is where Event 4 and all of this week’s action is taking place.

Registration Sign
Registration Sign

Here’s what you need to know:

Pavilion: Tournament Tables (located between the 1st Street Deli and the Box Office)
Box Office: Registration
Stax Poker Lounge: Cash Games

Full food, beverage and massage services are up and running in the Pavilion.

Sal LaRosa (Coral Springs) Registers  at Box Office
Sal LaRosa (Coral Springs)
Registers at Box Office
1st Street Deli
1st Street Deli