Event 4: Recent Casualties

$350 Deep Stack No Limit Hold’em (Re-entry)

Next Blinds: 400/800/100 ante
90 players remaining, 32k avg (40 bb)

Eli Greenwood
Eli Gotta Have Hearts

“Would you please put out a different card,” says Elliott “Comrade” Zaydman when a heart hits the river to give Eli Greenwood the winning flush.

Zaydman, who finished fourth for $21,246 in Event 1, was ahead with with Ax 9x against Greenwood’s Kh Th, but his day comes to an end.

“We’ll see,” he says about taking another crack at this $100,000 Guaranteed prize pool in tonight’s 7 pm Flight B.

Also on the rail is David Jackson (Chicago, IL) who was part of the 5-way chop in Event 3 for $3,340.

Players are on the 10 minute color-up break.