Event 2A: Steven Touitou Rivers One Out

$365 No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$300,000 Guaranteed | 
Level 11: 500/1,000 with a 100 ante
Flight B Players Remaining: 90 of 370

Steven Touitou

Flight B dropped down to double-digit players remaining well before the final break of the day and they are aiming to end the day with 45 players or the end of Level 15.

Steven Touitou did his part to get them closer. He faced a four-bet shove for 24,000 and called with a race.

Touitou: AsJs
UTG: 8h8s

Touitou needed to catch for the knockout but missed the Qc5s4h flop. His opponent implored the dealer for low cards and found one on the 6d turn. That was the end of the good news when the dealer put out the Ah river to send the unhappy player out. Touitou, who has a handful of final tables at our sister property in Hollywood, moved up to 73,000 and in good shape to make Day 2.