$365 No Limit Hold’em (Re-Entry)
$300,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 4: 100/200
Flight A Entries: 288

Recent Rock ‘n’ Roll Poker Open champion Michael Newman was one of the tournament’s newest entries when he approached his table. With two 5,000 chips (a fresh starting stack), he plopped his holdings on the table and stood behind his chair as he finished up a message on his phone. He was dealt in and there was a raise to 425 and an all-in for about 6,000. Newman, who needed to be tipped off he had a hand in front of him, was next up.
“You know what, I call,” he said taking his seat.

It folded back around to the original raiser — Mike Terrell — who four-bet shoved for more than Newman’s starting stack. Newman called and was all-in on his very first hand.
Third player:
Terrell flopped a set, while the third player in the hand hit top pair and Newman was sitting at the bottom of the ranks. The turn and the river improved no players and Terrell was best. With that, Newman was eliminated on the very first hand of play. With a fresh $374,000 score in his pocket from November’s RRPO Championship, it’s likely we’ll see Newman back in action shortly.