Charity Event Begins

The series’ $150-buy-in charity event is just getting underway in the far corner of the room. This event is in support of the I C.A.R.E Foundation, whose primary focus is to “improve the successfulness of individuals through education and training.”

The foundation was started by former Miami Dolphins wide receiver James Pruitt, a gregarious Los Angeles native who’s adopted South Florida as his new home. The “C.A.R.E.” in the title stands for Creating Awareness Resulting in Excellence, and it is essentially a mentoring program for local youths. Pruitt says his goal is to “teach people how to meet the challenges of daily life and empower them to lead productive lives.”

Here are the vitals for tonight’s charity event:

  • $150 buy-in ($40 of each entry donated to I C.A.R.E. Foundation)
  • $3,000 Guaranteed Prize Pool
  • Players begin with 8,000 in tournament chips
  • Levels are 15 minutes apiece
  • Registration/re-entry available until end of Level 9
  • This is a one-day tournament and plays until completion
  • Click here to view the Structure Sheet

If you’d like to make a donation to the I C.A.R.E. Foundation directly, you can do so by clicking here.