Championship: One Zwail of a Guy

WPT Seminole Hard Rock Lucky Hearts Poker Open Championship

 Level3:  Blinds 75/150/25 ante
Entries: 151

Jules Zwail
Jules Zwail, Stax Icon

If they build a Mount Rushmore of Stax Lounge poker players, Jules Zwail (Tamarac) would be the first face carved into the side of Coconut Creek.

“I was born into poker and I’ll die out of it,” says the 93-year-old Stax mainstay.

Zwail calls him self a “snow bird,” who spends 8 months a year in Florida to get away from the Oceanside, NY cold.

“When I get back, the first place I go is to the poker room to see what games are going,” laughs Zwail, who earned a $2,000 bonus for logging 300+ cash hours, the most during last year’s promotional month.

Zwail is playing in the Lucky Hearts Championship Event and paid only $60 for his seat after winning a satellite into one of the Mega Satellites, a two-step process into Day 1A of the WPT.

“I’ve played every game conceivable,” says the retired NYPD officer who proudly shows off his ID badge. “I once saved a guy off the Brooklyn Bridge.”

Zwail is hovering around the 30k starting stack and has a great perspective on the game.

“I let the chips fall where they may and if they’re near me, so be it.”

And Zwail adds that if he gets a piece of the $1 Million Guaranteed prize pool that he’ll be sure to take care of his Stax Poker Lounge dealers who he considers family.

Julius Zwail ID shot
Zwail During his days at the NYPD